多用途响应WordPress主题JupiterX v4.6.0


 JupiterX是您快速轻松地创建像素完美网站的多合一平台。 主题自带 Elementor 页面构建器,世界领先的 WordPress 页面构建器。

您可以自定义 JupiterX木星主题 使用 WordPress 定制器的任何地方。 全新的商店定制器可帮助您定制在线商店的各个方面,包括结帐和购物车页面。 此外,您现在可以使用可视化编辑器轻松构建自己的页眉和页脚。

Jupiter X 主题 还允许自定义您的博客和投资组合列表和单页。 它不止于此! 现在,您可以轻松自定义自定义帖子存档和单个页面,从而允许创建任何列表/目录网站,例如酒店、汽车租赁、房地产、画廊、工作网站等等。

多用途响应WordPress主题JupiterX不仅有超过 250 个预制的网站模板,还有数百个页面块模板,以节省您的时间并激发您的灵感。 每月提供新的和更新的网站。

演示: https://themeforest.net/search/5177775




  • 100% 可视化页面构建器(所见即所得)
  • 商店定制器(WooCommerce)
  • 标题结构
  • 构建页脚
  • 博客定制
  • 自定义投资组合
  • 主题定制器(前端主题选项)
  • 构建弹出窗口
  • 建筑杂志杂志
  • 发布单页定制
  • 模板生成器
  • 自定义帖子存档


  • SEO优化
  • 多语言 WPML、PolyLang
  • 支持 RTL
  • 谷歌和 Adob​​e 字体
  • 每页唯一的标题
  • 插件管理器
  • 每页唯一页脚
  • 响应式和视网膜就绪
  • 自定义 404 。 页
  • 联系表
  • 侧边栏管理
  • 自定义搜索页面
  • 自定义标题栏
  • 自动保存
  • 编辑历史
  • 自定义灯箱灯箱
  • 自定义颜色选择器
  • 撤消
  • 保存和重复使用部分
  • 自定义小部件
  • 自定义汉堡菜单
  • 自定义维护页面
  • 网站模板(包括 PSD)
  • 页面部分模板
  • 小部件定制
  • 符合 GDPR
  • 自定义存储
  • Elementor独有的22个元素
  • 保存和重复使用页面和部分
  • 网站导航和管理


  • 建立在最好的开源库/插件之上,以实现更多的可扩展性和自定义。
  • 开发人员友好(在各个方面高度可定制)。
  • 严格遵守标准 WP 技术以获得更多插件兼容性。
  • 很轻
  • 资产编译器。 加载动态资产。
  • 每一行代码都经过优化
  • 大量动作和过滤器,可实现更多自定义

推荐:WooCommerce页面构建器插件WooLentor Pro  + Builder

Changelog :多用途响应WordPress主题JupiterX

Bug Fix: Fixed deprecated functions.
Bug Fix: Fixed Product Additional info errors.
Bug Fix: Fixed Media Attachment compatibility issue.
Bug Fix: Fixed Product Rating link issue.
Bug Fix: Fixed Custom Icon typos.
Bug Fix: Fixed Advanced Menu small control issue.
Bug Fix: Fixed Layout Builder importing issue.
Bug Fix: Fixed Global Widget issue in fresh installation.
Bug Fix: Fixed disabling Layout Builder issue.

Feature: Added Product Title widget.
Feature: Added Product Gallery widget.
Feature: Added Product Reviews widget.
Feature: Added Additional Information widget.
Feature: Added Add to Cart widget.
Feature: Added Product Data Tabs widget.
Feature: Added Global widget feature.
Feature: Added Button widget extra options.
Feature: Added Motion Effect feature.
Feature: Added Custom Attribute feature.
Feature: Added Role Manager feature.
Feature: Added Product Price widget.
Feature: Added Product Rating widget.
Feature: Added Product Meta widget.
Feature: Added Product Content widget.
Feature: Added Product Short Description widget.
Feature: Added Tooltip feature.
Feature: Added My Account widget.
Feature: Added Custom CSS feature.
Feature: Added Dynamic Content feature.
Feature: Added Site Title widget.
Feature: Added Author Box widget.
Feature: Added WooCommerce Breadcrumb widget.
Feature: Added Advanced Menu widget.
Feature: Added Custom Fonts feature.
Feature: Added Custom Icons feature.
Feature: Added Pricing Table widget.
Feature: Added Animated Heading widget.
Feature: Added Flip Box widget.
Feature: Added Price List widget.
Feature: Added Archive Title widget.
Feature: Added Description widget.
Feature: Added Lottie widget.
Feature: Added Call to Action widget.
Feature: Added Hotspot widget.
Feature: Added Media Carousel widget.
Feature: Added Testimonial Carousel widget.
Feature: Added Slider widget.
Feature: Added Reviews widget.
Feature: Added Business Hours widget.
Feature: Added Product Media Attachment feature.
Feature: Added Content Switch widget.
Improvement: Improved template importing process.
Improvement: Improved Form Elementor widget.
Improvement: Improved Layout Builder issues.
Improvement: Improved location of some conditions in Layout Builder.
Improvement: Improved showing widgets based on the type of page.
Improvement: Improved Layout Builder UX.
Improvement: Improved Video widget.
Improvement: Improved Layout builder compatibility with JetWooBuilder.
Bug Fix: Fixed header issue with custom template.
Bug Fix: Fixed Crocoblock plugin conflict.
Bug Fix: Fixed pot file generation small issue.
Bug Fix: Fixed search form error.
Bug Fix: Fixed some conditions functionality in Layout Builder.
Bug Fix: Fixed menu icons conflict.
Bug Fix: Fixed lite theme version rollback issue.
Bug Fix: Fixed SellKit warning.
Bug Fix: Fixed Product widget tag issue.
Bug Fix: Fixed showing extra custom post types in control panel.
Feature: Added Media Carousel widget.
Removed: For better UX Elementor Pro ads are removed from everywhere.
Improvement: Improved Layout Builder functionality.

⭐另请参阅:主题存储库 INFOXIAO 免费分享,每日更新

免费下载 JupiterX v4.6.0

笔记: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压缩。 如果任何主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。 在 localhost 上使用之前,请检查 Virustotal。

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