杂志WordPress主题Bimber v9.2.5


杂志WordPress主题Bimber是一个杂志主题,可让您在不超过 24 小时内启动一个功能齐全的病毒式网站。主题带有强大的分享按钮; 热门列表、热门、趋势和许多广告位置。 一切都在一个轻巧且易于使用的包装中。

⭐另请参阅:主题存储库 INFOXIAO 免费分享,每日更新

演示: https://themeforest.net/search/14493994

特点 Bimber – 杂志 WordPress 主题

  • 100% 响应式设计
  • 视网膜显示支持
  • 兼容所有浏览器
  • SEO优化代码
  • 与 SEO 优化插件的兼容性:Yoast SEO、All In One SEO、SEOPress
  • 针对 Google PageSpeed 进行优化
  • 微数据(schema.org),支持丰富的片段支持
  • 翻译,完全 RTL 支持,WPML 多语言
  • 支持多页帖子
  • 兼容缓存插件(WP Super Cache 和 W3 Total Cache、WP Rocket)
  • Facebook 自定义小部件

推荐:房地产WordPress主题WP Residence 

Changelog Bimber – 杂志 WordPress 主题

v9.2.2 – minor update – 17 August 2022
# NEW - WordPress 6.0 compatibility
# NEW - Added typography control for blockquotes

# Improved - WP Bakery Page Builder plugin latest version
# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons plugin latest version
# Improved - Featured Entries query argument filter added
# Improved - WooCommerce templates updated
# Improved - Refactored SASS files to use the Dart Sass version

# Fixed - Not all single post templates support both modification and publication dates
# Fixed - AMP plugin integration: "See the full version os this page" link doesn't work
# Fixed - bbPress plugin integration: schema.org error on the reply page
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: WooCommerce broken dependency for Shoppable Image
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Reply to list item comment
# Fixed - Snax plugin: password wrong encoding
# Fixed - Snax plugin: required parameter follows optional parameter
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: the GIF picker overlaps posts below
# Fixed - What's Your Reaction plugin: wrong translation
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: wrong translation
# Fixed - The dropdown container for the home filters overlaps posts below
# Fixed - PHP 8.x incompatibilities
# Fixed - Minor PHP fixes

v9.2.1 – minor update – 4 January 2022
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Personality quiz type broken
# Fixed - Snax plugin: empty quiz settings not saved

下载 Bimber v9.2.5 

笔记: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压缩。 如果任何主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。 在 localhost 上使用之前,请检查 Virustotal。

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