WooCommerce会员插件WooCommerce Memberships v1.24.0

WooCommerce会员插件WooCommerce Memberships

WooCommerce会员插件WooCommerce Memberships 是一个与产品和内容完全集成的在线商店解决方案。 它不仅是一个提供对内容的分布式访问的插件,而且还是一个链接网站、商店和用户帐户的内容的完整解决方案。

WooCommerce 会员资格 允许您组织分布式访问系统,而无需安装一堆额外的扩展。

演示: https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-memberships/

WooCommerce 会员功能

  • 销售或赠送会员资格:无论商品如何,都会生成关税计划。 这确保了分布式访问系统的最大灵活性。
  • 将会员资格作为单独的项目出售
  • 对内容的分布式访问:意味着可以对未注册用户隐藏任何内容。
  • 设置带有试用期的关税
  • 能够创建免费试用关税
  • 购买套餐时组织折扣系统
  • 购买注册会员
  • 支付系统
  • 注册后可以免税
  • 例如,您可以访问对使用免费关税或试用期的人隐藏的内容

推荐:WordPress会员插件Ultimate Membership Pro 

更新日志 WooCommerce会员插件WooCommerce Memberships

New Update Changelog v1.23.0​
Feature - Introduce a configurable membership directory block with search, filtering, and pagination of members.

2022.02.14 - v1.22.11
* Fix - When a user doesn't belong to any membership plan, don't show them any profile fields in the My Account area

2022.02.08 - v1.22.10
* Fix - Remove deprecated usages of `is_ajax()` in favor of `wp_doing_ajax()`
* Misc - Require WooCommerce v3.9.4 or later

2021.11.22 - v1.22.9
* Fix - Show profile fields for product variations when the parent product has associated profile fields

2021.11.15 - v1.22.8
* Fix - Hide rules belonging to trashed membership plans from all meta boxes

2021.10.07 - v1.22.7
* Dev - Adds a filter to help third party code handle product discounts when a product is on sale

2021.10.01 - v1.22.6
* Fix - When using the `wcm_product_discount` shortcode, ensure that the percentage discount amount is not miscalculated while a member is logged in

2021.09.09 - v1.22.5
* Tweak - Pass the full product instance to `wc_memberships_exclude_product_from_member_discounts` filter instead of product ID when checking cart item member discounts
* Fix - Update usage of deprecated `block_categories` filter to address notices since WP 5.8

2021.08.10 - v1.22.4
* Tweak - Strip HTML tags in product names dropdown in plan access settings
* Fix - Admins updating an order that triggers Sensei auto-enrollment to courses shouldn't be redirected to the posts edit screen
* Dev - Add filter hook to toggle duplicating a product's memberships data when cloning products

2021.07.05 - version 1.22.3
* Fix - Address an issue with plans with fixed dates and some timezone configurations
* Misc - Drop the `woo-includes` folder and move plugin classes from `includes` to `src` folder

2021.06.23 - v1.22.2
* Fix - Display the correct cart item subtotal when a customer adds more than a discounted subscription product to cart
* Fix - Address a potential issue in the shipping handler

2021.06.07 - v1.22.1
* Fix - Add sanity checks before calling Sensei or LearnDash methods to avoid errors if old versions are installed
* Fix - Address a potential uncaught error in Sensei and LearnDash integrations when fetching dependent courses

2021.05.04 - v1.22.0
* Feature - Auto-enroll users to Sensei and LearnDash courses upon membership purchase
* Dev - Add meta data handling support to membership plan rule objects

2021.04.12 - v1.21.8
* Dev - Improve compatibility with WooCommerce Product Bundles

2021.03.30 - v1.21.7
* Fix - Ensure that the member directory shortcode can correctly query memberships of given statuses
* Fix - Fix a conflict with Variable products and Profile Fields that prevented adding them to cart

2021.03.16 - v1.21.5
* Tweak - Improve support for WooCommerce Navigation admin feature

2021.03.09 - v1.21.4
* Fix - When importing profile fields that allow multiple options, ensure that comma separated values can be read and successfully imported for those fields
* Fix - Display corresponding profile fields for product variations that grant access to an associated pla

2021.02.19 - v1.21.3
* Fix - Prevent issues with numeric options in dropdown profile fields
* Fix - Address some CSS styling issues within the Memberships rules meta box in smaller viewports
* Fix - When saving a profile field from the admin and there are issues related to inputs in one meta box tab, switch the tab to foreground to highlight the issue

⭐另请参阅:FreeWP 上的免费高级 WooCommerce 插件列表

下载WooCommerce会员插件WooCommerce Memberships v1.24.0 

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