WordPress业务流程自动化插件Gravity Flow v2.9.0

WordPress业务流程自动化插件Gravity Flow

Gravity Flow通过路由任何表单提交来从头到尾自动化整个过程。



特点:Gravity Flow – 使用 WordPress 实现业务流程自动化

  • 顺利处理重新提交: 审批前,在前端编辑提交。 实施反馈和审查循环,让用户编辑和重新提交他们的表单数据以供批准。
  • 在几个小时内自动化您的公司流程(不使用 IT):Gravity Flow 的 40 多个预建阶段和简单的拖放式流程构建器工具让您可以轻松配置最复杂、有条件和多步骤的工作流程。 随着您的流程变得更好,请进行调整。 您不需要复杂的培训、编程专业知识或技术知识。
  • 综合报告:深入的报告概述了每项工作需要多长时间,并强调瓶颈在它们发展成问题之前。
  • 跟踪一切:根据完整的年表和活动日志,审计线索记录了谁做了什么(以及何时)。 每个细节都被记录下来,包括评论、时间戳、操作和状态信息。
  • 应为提交表格的每个人执行流程:每个人都可以参与自动化程序; 不需要用户帐户。 这包括注册用户,例如工人和供应商,以及尚未在您那里拥有帐户的潜在消费者。
  • 工作流程及其步骤可以根据需要开始和结束:可以根据您的操作需求启动、停止或安排工作流程。
  • 使用 Gravity Flow 时,请使用您的母语:Gravity Flow 及其插件支持超过 12 种语言,包括法语、德语、西班牙语、加泰罗尼亚语、瑞典语、阿拉伯语、荷兰语、意大利语、葡萄牙语和中文。
  • 通过定制开发轻松扩展:重力流可以扩展或改变以实现更多。 借助 API 和挂钩,您的开发人员可以修改功能甚至添加新的自定义步骤。
  • 确保遵守数据隐私法:确保您的数据在您的服务器上的安全,并创建例程以定期(并自动)删除它。
  • 添加许多用户和进程:不要担心当您添加更多用户或工作流程时,您现有的计划将无法满足您的需求,并且您必须每月支付额外费用。 单一的年度价格涵盖了无限数量的用户和进程。

推荐:WordPress自动海报插件FS Poster

变更日志:Gravity Flow– 使用 WordPress 实现业务流程自动化

= v2.8.5 = 2022-07-25
- Updated default page creation on new activations to use block or shortcode based on active theme settings.
- Fixed support for Live Merge Tags on entry details screen.
- Fixed an issue with Workflow Step Settings assignee updates not being applied to assignees of active steps.

= v2.8.4 = 2022-07-02 =
- Added security enhancements.
- Added accessibility enhancements.
- Added a new action hook gravityflow_entry_detail_content_after to allow custom markup after the form on the entry details page.
- Added merge tag drop down to multiple textarea step settings on start, user input, approval and complete step types.
- Removed specific tabindex on User Input step update button so it can be accessed following standard browser navigation/accessibility patterns.
- Fixed an issue with filter forms not working with Workflow Inbox and Workflow Status blocks for some users.
- Fixed an issue with User Input steps and field values involving conditional logic display.
- Fixed an issue where inbox preferences are not saved for some assignees.

= v2.8.3 = 2022-06-11
- Added security enhancements.
- Added performance enhancements for the inbox and workflow detail page.
- Added better handling for the inbox to the workflow details screen link. Cmd + click now loads in new tab without focusing it, left shift + click opens it in a new tab and focuses it.
- Added support for Workflow merge tags in the merge tag drop-down of Notification subject lines.
- Added gravityflow_inbox_items_per_page_default filter to allow changing of the default items per page count for all inboxes.
- Added support for Live Merge Tags within HTML fields on entry details screen.
- Updated inbox grid strings to be translatable.
- Updated the inbox to automatically adjust the height of field based or custom columns based on their content.
- Updated the Workflow Detail Page button styles so the color property is more flexible for theme overrides.
- Fixed an issue with shortcode detection displaying warning when wp_query->posts is not set such as on wp-login.php.
- Fixed a warning for sites with license key stored on wp-config.
- Fixed display issues with the inbox on rtl layouts.
- Fixed an issue with the inbox settings flyout where the component's icon is missing.
- Fixed an issue which can cause fatal errors for some edge case server configurations.
- Fixed an issue which causes inbox notification preferences to not save.
- Fixed an issue that causes date fields in legacy mode enabled inboxes to print a duplicate empty column.
- Fixed an issue that causes date fields in status tables to print a duplicate empty column.
- Fixed an issue for inbox, status, and submit block where the block form filtering setting allows you to select the placeholder as an option.
- Fixed an issue with Conditional logic for HTML fields on User Input Step overriding the Display Field Settings.
- Fixed an issue which prevents users from being able to delete a file from within a User Input step.

⭐类似的建议: Gravity Forms Nulled + Addons – WordPress 表单插件


  1. 重力流检查表 v1.4.0
  2. 重力流流程图扩展 v1.7.0
  3. 重力流文件夹 v1.8.0
  4. 重力流形式连接器 v2.3
  5. 重力流传入 Webhook v1.6
  6. Gravity Flow 亲子表单扩展 v1.2.1
  7. Gravity Flow PDF Generator Extension v1.8.0
  8. 重力流条纹扩展 v1.5.0
  9. 重力流 WooCommerce 扩展 v1.6.0

下载 Gravity Flow v2.9.0 

笔记: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压缩。 如果任何主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。 在 localhost 上使用之前,请检查 Virustotal。

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