WordPress房地产主题Real Estate 7 v3.4.7

WordPress房地产主题Real Estate 7

WordPress房地产主题Real Estate 7是一个专业的 WordPress 主题,为房地产代理、经纪公司、公寓经理、住宅和商业物业目录设计精美。

这不仅仅是一个主题,而是为您的房地产业务提供的完整解决方案。 由于用户友好的界面和后端功能,您将吸引更多用户,获得更多潜在客户并赚取更多佣金。

演示: https://themeforest.net/search/12473778

推荐:WordPress WHMCS主机主题Hostiko

特色:WordPress房地产主题Real Estate 7

  • WP Pro 房地产 7 无限可定制 – 管理所有这些徽标、字体、布局或颜色在发布之前的外观。
  • WP Pro 房地产 7 拥有用于管理最终用户列表的强大系统,允许用户直接从支持计费的外部界面添加到收藏夹、提交、管理和编辑他们的条目。
  • 该主题具有完全响应式设计,请放心,您的网站将在您的桌面、手机和平板电脑上看起来很棒。
  • 一键式演示导入——只需单击一个按钮,即可轻松导入任何专业设计的房地产演示版本
  • 完整的预订系统:内置预订系统,非常适合出租等。
  • 由组成 革命滑块 – 添加无限数量的幻灯片并通过易于使用的界面创建动画。
  • 由组成 WPBakery 页面生成器 (Visual Composer),使用自定义模块,此页面构建器可让您完全控制页面和帖子。
  • 与 Google 地图集成,带有很棒的书签、信息框和图钉。
  • 支持 DSIDXpress, 内置支持开箱即用的最流行的 IDX 插件,具有高级主页搜索功能。
  • 支持 RTL 和多语言 WPML。
  • WP Pro Real Estate 7 提供了 10 多个可用于侧边栏、页脚和页面构建器的自定义小部件。
  • WP Pro Real Estate 7 拥有一整套用于分享内容和列表的社交图标。
  • SEO优化 WP Pro 房地产 7 – 精心构建的主题,让搜索引擎索引您的网站内容以达到更高的排名。
  • 400 多种谷歌自定义字体
  • 自定义字段/用户个人资料字段(个人资料图片、Twitter、Facebook、Google+、LinkedIn、电话、传真、姓名等!)
  • 简码生成器


更新日志Real Estate 7 Theme主题

v3.2.8 - 8/1/2022
FIXED"Allow location" is now properly only prompted when the geolocation button is clicked preview within the Listings Search, rather than on every page of the website when enabled under Real Estate 7 Options > Listings > Listings Search
File affected: realestate-7 > admin > theme-functions.php
File affected: realestate-7 > css > layout.css
File affected: realestate-7 > includes > header-advanced-search.php
File affected: realestate-7 > js > ct.mapping.js
FIXEDHeader when sticky not properly moving to the left when mobile menu is expanded
File affected: realestate-7 > admin > theme-functions.php
File affected: realestate-7 > css > ct-sp-menu.css
File affected: realestate-7 > header.php
FIXEDFront End User Pages display bug
File affected: realestate-7 > admin > theme-functions.php
File affected: realestate-7 > css > layout.css
FIXEDLot Size display bug for Land Listings in Listings Search > Map Infowindow, when running CT IDX Pro plugin
File affected: realestate-7 > admin > theme-functions.php
UPDATEDVastly improved UX for Listings Search on mobile, added "Map/List" switcher preview, persists state with a cookie based on the users last choice. The default view can be changed via Real Estate 7 Options > Listings > Listings Search > Map or Grid as Default View?, this is a global option meaning it applies to all devices from desktop to mobile
File affected: realestate-7 > admin > ReduxFramework > theme-options > re7-config.php
File affected: realestate-7 > admin > theme-functions.php
File affected: realestate-7 > css > layout.css
File affected: realestate-7 > js > base.js
File affected: realestate-7 > search-listings.php
UPDATEDCode refactoring for Real Estate 7 Options > Listings > Listings Search > Enable Listing Creation Date admin screenshot, when running CT IDX Pro it will display elapsed time based on the MLS Date/Time Added, e.g. "5 hours ago", "3 days ago", "2 weeks ago", "4 months ago" screenshot
File affected: realestate-7 > admin > theme-functions.php
UPDATEDCode refactoring & UX improvements for Listings Search > Draw
File affected: realestate-7 > admin > theme-functions.php
File affected: realestate-7 > js > ct.mapping.js
UPDATEDCode refactoring & improvements for Single Page
File affected: realestate-7 > page.php
UPDATEDPOT with new strings
File affected: realestate-7 > languages > contempo.pot
UPDATEDVersion number
File affected: realestate-7 > style.css

⭐另请参阅:主题存储库 INFOXIAO 免费分享,每日更新

免费下载Real Estate 7 Theme v3.4.7 

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