WordPress插件自定义Custom Facebook Feed Pro v4.4.1

WordPress插件自定义Custom Facebook Feed Pro

WordPress插件自定义Custom Facebook Feed Pro功能使您能够在自己的网站上显示 Facebook 页面提要的完全可定制、适应性强和搜索引擎可抓取的版本。 不再有没有吸引力的 iframe! 它非常容易设置,并且有大量的自定义选项来匹配您网站的风格和感觉。



特征: 自定义 Facebook Feed Pro Smash

  • 展示您的 Facebook 页面的更新、照片、视频、活动、链接、相册和优惠。
  • 选择要显示的帖子类型。
  • 您只想展示照片、视频或活动吗? 没什么大不了。
  • 在同一页面或整个网站上显示来自不同 Facebook 页面的多个提要 – 显示来自不同 Facebook 页面的提要,为每个页面定义不同的帖子类型、布局和样式。 您想只显示来自一个 Facebook 页面的图像和来自另一个页面的事件吗? 没什么大不了。
  • 显示每个帖子的点赞数、分享数和评论数,以及反应、评论回复、附件和贴纸。
  • 可以显示全尺寸、高分辨率的图片。
  • YouTube 和 Vimeo 视频会自动包含在您的 Feed 中,并且支持高清、360o 和 Facebook 直播视频。
  • 使用加载更多按钮将无限量的内容加载到您的提要中。
  • 显示活动信息,例如名称、时间/日期、地点、地图链接、描述和 Facebook 活动封面照片。
  • 在 1 到 4 列之间进行选择以显示 Facebook 相册的网格。
  • 在弹出的照片灯箱中,在每个帖子中显示多张照片,并为每个帖子添加照片附件。
  • 使用字符串或#hashtag 过滤文章。 仅显示包含某些文本或主题标签的帖子。
  • 因为要发布缓存,您的提要加载速度非常快。 选择是否要每隔几秒、几分钟、几小时或几天检查一次新帖子。
  • 响应式设计在任何屏幕尺寸和容器宽度上看起来都很棒。
  • 搜索引擎可用。 其他 Facebook 插件使用 iframe,禁止搜索引擎抓取材料。 自定义 Facebook Feed 将材料直接插入您的网站。


变更日志:自定义 Facebook Feed Pro Smash

= v4.3.2 =
* Fix: Changed how the plugin's code was included to prevent conflicts with SMTP plugins that overwrite wp_mail().

= v4.3.1 =
* Fix: Fixed avatars from visitor accounts not showing in the lightbox.
* Fix: PHP error that would occur when trying to use the new Facebook Feed Divi block with the Divi Builder plugin and PHP version 7.3 or lower.
* Fix: Photo feeds would show broken images in the feed preview under certain circumstances.
* Fix: Fixed event feeds showing an error in the API response in certain circumstances.
* Fix: Tagged accounts in post content were not linking correctly.

= v4.3 =
* New: Elementor and Divi Builder widgets. We've added new Elementor and Divi Builder widgets to make it easier to embed your feeds.
* New: Iframes from YouTube and Vimeo will not load until the rest of the page content has loaded to improve page performance.
* Fix: Some post content that included special characters would display incorrectly.
* Fix: Comments for posts would appear correctly in the feed preview but not on the front-end for some feeds.
* Fix: When the text shortening setting was enabled, unexpected text would appear in some circumstances.
* Fix: For the carousel layout available with the carousel extension, the setting to automatically adjust the height of the feed would not work correctly when expanding post content on mobile devices.

= v4.2.6 =
* Tweak: Added a new setting to allow disabling of the JavaScript image loading. Deactivate "JavaScript Image Loading" on the advanced tab if you are using a lazy loading plugin and blank images are displaying in your feed.
* Fix: Group posts with special formatting (markdown) will now display like they do in Facebook.
* Fix: Fixed several issues related to accessibility and screen readers.
* Fix: Fixed an issue where shortening the text content might result in emoji being cut off and displaying as plain text.
* Fix: Fixed an error with group posts and the Social Wall plugin.
* Fix: Fixed an error with the carousel layout in the feed preview when customizing a feed.
* Fix: Fixed an issue with translations not showing the default value to be customized in the customizer.

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下载自定义 Facebook Feed Pro Smash v4.4.1

笔记: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压缩。 如果任何主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。 在 localhost 上使用之前,请检查 Virustotal。

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