WordPress超级菜单插件UberMenu v3.8.1


WordPress超级菜单插件UberMenu是一个用户友好、高度可定制的 WordPress Mega Menu 插件。 它与 WordPress 3 菜单系统开箱即用,使其上手简单,但功能强大,可以创建高度可定制和富有创意的大型菜单配置。

优化的 WordPress 菜单 UberMenu 完全响应式、Mega 或 Flyout 子菜单,兼容移动设备,包括 iPhone、iPad 和 Android,支持触控,使用柱状网格系统构造构建高级子菜单布局

从您的页面、帖子、自定义链接或其他任何内容中快速增长超级菜单! 适用于大多数启用菜单的 WordPress 主题 3. 与 WordPress 3 启用菜单的主题直接集成 – 与您熟悉和喜爱的系统一起使用!

演示: https://codecanyon.net/search/154703





UberMenu 不仅完全响应,它还有一个触摸界面,统一了跨移动操作系统的用户体验。



吸引客户的注意力。 提供视觉参考以帮助您的客户快速浏览您的网站。



UberMenu 允许您向菜单添加任何 HTML、短代码或小部件。



UberMenu 包括许多预先设计的皮肤,以及与具有 50 多种可配置设置的 WordPress 定制器集成,因此您可以使用实时预览设计您的菜单样式。 使用 CSS 进行自定义也很容易。



UberMenu 的动态帖子和动态术语菜单项类型允许您在菜单中插入任何帖子、页面、类别、术语、自定义帖子类型或自定义分类术语。 配置结果的过滤和排序方式。

有很多子菜单内容? 轻松将您的子菜单组织到选项卡中 – 目录的上方、下方、左侧或右侧。


包括 50 个基本图标 Font Awesome。

UberMenu 3 在框中包含 50 个图标,可以分配给任何菜单项。 获取 1,500 多个图标的图标扩展,以及自定义位置等功能。


精确控制。 不显眼的设计。

每个菜单项都有一个高级设置面板,无需展开菜单项即可启用。 每个表格都通过 AJAX 独立保存,因此当您需要调整设置时无需再保存整个菜单。

推荐:Elementor Page Builder超级菜单JetMenu

v3.7.8 April 4, 2022
Enhancement: Allow Dynamic Posts parent inheritance to pass through Tabs
WPML: Re-add configuration file for syncing meta fields

v3.7.7 February 8, 2021
Enhancement: Completely rewrite Gutenberg block with updated API
Enhancement: Raise z-index of fixed position responsive toggle
Enhancement: Optional ubermenu-ignore-empty-tab class for ignoring tabs that have no submenus when hovering out
Enhancement: Access to current walker via UberMenu class object
Update: Font Awesome v5.15.4
Fix: Non-submenu tab toggle closing when tabs are in click trigger
Fix: Switch add_action to add_filter for WPML language switcher submenus

v3.7.5 November 22, 2021
Feature: WPML 4.5.1+ Menu Sync support
Feature: Add WPML language form field support to UberMenu search form
Feature: Add styles for WPML language switcher
Feature: Add WPML language selector submenu type switch
Feature: Filter for WPML menu sync fields
Feature: Add setting to control single vs multiple mobile accordion submenu folding
Feature: Add setting to customize modal mobile menu close button content
Feature: Add ubermenu_submenu_type filter
Enhancement: Localize missing strings
Enhancement: Add close_icon argument to UberMenu toggle shortcode
Enhancement: Close tab content panel when hovering tabs with no children
Security Enhancement: Add new 'Update URI' field to plugin header
Update: Remove deprecated get_terms() function calls

= v3.7.4 June 7, 2021 =
Feature: WPML Menu Sync Compatibility
Feature: Fixed mobile toggle injection option
Feature: Autocomplete option for search input in shortcode
Enhancement: When using vertical stretch with unbound submenus, reposition menus when menu size changes to ensure proper alignment
Enhancement: Add HTML comments to Theme Template Backtrace, show plugin in addition to theme steps
Enhancement: Improve Control Panel tab overflow handling with many configurations
Accessibility: Mobile modal focus, trap focus within modal when open, return focus when closed
Accessibility: When closing a submenu with Escape key, return focus to next item
Update: Use new get_terms() format
Fix: Individual item content alignment for top level items when using flex layout
Fix: Set proper submenu indicator alignment when using "edge" option with Vertical Stretch (flex)
Fix: Ensure ScrollTo links redirect properly on mobile

= v3.7.3 January 11, 2021 =
Feature: Global Menu Item Settings deletion
Enhancement: Add ubermenu_background_image_size filter
Enhancement: Localize modal mobile menu close button text
Enhancement: Check for menu existence when generating title attribute
Enhancement: Remove window.load console notice due to jQuery 3 asynchronous document ready execution
Update: jQuery remove deprecated .bind() call
Update: PHP 8 Compatibility
Update: Remove deprecated WooCommerce function check
Fix: Add group class to dynamic terms and posts submenus for compatibility with background images

= v3.7.2 =
Enhancement: Display line numbers in Theme Template Backtrace
Enhancement: Replace × character with Font Awesome times icon in modal menu close button
Enhancement: Automatically disable top level item margins when in modal mobile mode
Update: Make Black & White skin default to match demo
Fix: Gracefully handle invalid term IDs in Dynamic Posts View All links
Fix: Prevent image distortion in WooCommerce featured image layouts on mobile
Fix: Badge/image layering on webkit mobile browsers in certain layouts
Fix: Gracefully handle invalid image assignments (e.g. for deleted images)

⭐另见:收藏 Codecanyon 插件 每日更新保费

WordPress超级菜单插件UberMenu v3.8.10

笔记: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压缩。 如果任主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。 在 localhost 上使用之前,请检查 Virustotal。
