WordPress数据迁移插件WP Migrate DB Pro v2.6.8

WordPress数据迁移插件WP Migrate DB Pro

WordPress数据迁移插件WP Migrate DB Pro一个 WordPress数据迁移插件,可简化导出和移动数据库的过程。每个迁移都组织成一个简单易行的三步过程。

  1. 在 WP Migrate DB 界面中,查找并替换您想要的数据。
  2. 应该导出 SQL。
  3. 使用 phpMyAdmin 之类的程序,将数据导入新数据库。

不是很简单吗? 我们认为 WordPress 的数据库迁移不必过于复杂或困难。 另一方面,WP Migrate DB 的主要目的是使 WordPress 站点迁移变得简单。


WP Migrate DB Pro可以检测和替换序列化数组中的信息,完全支持序列化数据和数组。 这对您个人意味着什么? 它使您的数据库迁移变得更加容易,并且没有数据损坏的可能性。

WP Migrate DB Pro 通过反序列化和遍历序列化数据、识别字符串并替换它们来处理序列化数据。 它对数据进行序列化,并在遍历完所有数据后将其重新插入数据库。



特点: WordPress数据迁移插件WP Migrate DB Pro

  • 优先电子邮件协助
  • 数据库可以从一个环境推送和拉到另一个环境。
  • 媒体库可以从一个站点推送和拉取到另一个站点。
  • 轻松地将主题和插件文件从一个网站传输到另一个网站。
  • 将子站点推送到单个站点安装是一项高级多站点功能。
  • 支持命令行(使用 WP-CLI 和 WP Migrate DB)
  • 在开始移动之前,请备份您的数据。
  • 考虑到特定目标的 WordPress 数据库迁移。 选择要迁移的表以及要从迁移中排除的帖子类型。

推荐:WP重置工具WP Reset Pro 

更新日志:WordPress数据迁移插件WP Migrate DB Pro

v2.3.4 - Aug 12, 2022
Improvement: Push migrations to WP Engine can now include themes and plugins
Improvement: Settings sliders now have a visible focus style and improved keyboard accessibility
Improvement: Error log messages now provide additional context about the migration to assist our support team
Bug fix: Find & Replace regex can now include special characters such as < and >
Bug fix: Subsite-to-subsite migrations involving two different site IDs now migrate media from the correct source
Bug fix: Errors related to ajax_verify_connection_to_remote_site have been reduced

2.2.1 - Nov 09, 2021​
Improvement: WP Migrate DB Pro license-related API calls are now faster, which significantly decreases load times for WP admin pages such as “Plugins” and “Tools > Migrate DB Pro”
Bug fix: Running a pull migration with different database prefixes no longer causes PHP notices
Bug fix: WP Migrate DB profiles can now be re-saved without requiring a page refresh

WP Migrate DB Pro v2.2.0 (inc. Addons)

New: Find & Replace tool now includes an option to preview changes before applying them to the database
New: Find & Replace tool now offers a granular preview of the diff for each database record before the change is applied
New: Migrating between sites with different table prefixes is now possible as the destination tables are automatically updated to match the destination site's wp-config.php file
Improvement: Keyboard navigation is now more accessible thanks to new focus styles throughout plugin
Improvement: Addon plugin thumbnails now display on the WordPress updates screen
Bug fix: WP Migrate DB Pro is now more compatible other plugins that use Composer's autoloader and have dependencies with the same name
Bug fix: WP Migrate DB Pro is now compatible with WPML when default language is added to the url

⭐类似的建议: Duplicator Pro – WordPress 迁移和备份插件

WP Migrate DB Pro 插件列表

  • WP Migrate DB Pro 主题和插件文件 v1.2.0
  • WP Migrate DB Pro 多站点工具 v1.4.1
  • WP Migrate DB Pro 媒体文件 v2.1.0
  • WP Migrate DB Pro CLI v1.6。

下载 WP Migrate DB Pro v2.6.8 

笔记: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压缩。 如果任何主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。 在 localhost 上使用之前,请检查 Virustotal
