创意多用途高性能WordPress主题TheGem v5.9.7


创意多用途高性能WordPress主题TheGem设计和开发为设计元素、样式和功能的终极 Web 构建器工具箱, WordPress主题TheGem将帮助您构建 高性能网站,在几分钟内令人印象深刻,无需触及任何一行代码。

不要浪费时间编码,探索 创建 您的! WordPress主题TheGem为各种创意用途而精心打造,具有如此多功能性

拥有超过 40 种独特的多功能设计理念,150 个令人惊叹的演示页面,20 多种样式的 8 种导航设置,加上灵活的页面布局,真正的可能性是无限的。 非常适合 企业 任何规模和目的, 创意机构 有奇特的想法,包括 woocommerce时装店 功能齐全的准备就绪,您的网站在几分钟内即可启动并运行。

主题 TheGem 这也涵盖了需求 自由职业者, 摄影师, 建筑师 & 数字艺术家, 提供出色的产品组合功能和专用设计,以满足个人需求。 成为 博主 经验丰富的发现不寻常的脱颖而出 博客布局,您会受到 TheGem 的博客功能的启发。

如果你是一个 设计师 如果您正在寻找一个有天赋的网站,那就别无所求。 WordPress主题TheGem主题 怀着对创造的热情,与 顶级设计师 从 Behance.net,您会发现我们知道您会喜欢的时尚设计。

TheGem WordPress 主题 提供一切来满足您的抱负和创意需求。 没有定论? 试一试,立即查看一些很棒的演示!

演示: https://themeforest.net/search/16061685


特色 TheGem – 创意多用途高性能 WordPress 主题


  • 与 Behance.net 的明星设计师合作打造
  • 涵盖 2017 年主要 UX/UI 设计趋势
  • 高度关注可用性和用户体验
  • 非常适合公司、代理商、在线商店、商业、投资组合、博客、摄影、登陆页面、应用程序、单页、全屏垂直滚动、房地产、建筑、室内、建筑
  • 完全响应,移动和视网膜准备
  • 可用作多站点和单页站点
  • 包括全屏垂直滚动
  • 多种页脚布局和附件
  • 带有 20 多个自定义小部件的无限侧边栏
  • 包含精美背景的精美页面标题。
  • 视差和视频背景
  • 大型菜单 集成在 2 种美丽的风格中
  • 增强同位素网格
  • 无限滚动并加载更多分页
  • 平滑滚动
  • 优雅的动画
  • 2500+字体图标(材料设计包,优雅的图标,字体)


  • 无需编码知识
  • 视觉作曲家
  • 每次拖放都很容易建立页面
  • 150 多个预建页面,让您快速上手
  • 灵活易用的页面选项
  • 高级可视化图书馆和目录管理
  • 非常详细的在线文档
  • 无需接触任何一行代码即可创建令人惊叹的网站


  • 完全可定制
  • 强大的主题选项
  • 设计元素和内容的无限颜色
  • 使用字体管理器搜索您自己的字体和网络字体
  • 超过 250 种短代码组合样式设置
  • 轻松自定义内容类型 视觉作曲家无需编码
  • 响应式显示选项


  • 高性能,超快,最高页面速度和 yslow 评级
  • SEO工具/搜索优化,与SEO插件兼容
  • WooCommerce 完全集成的在线商店设计
  • WPML 针对翻译和多语言网站进行了优化
  • 针对 Contact Form 7 进行了优化
  • RTL 准备就绪
  • 准备好儿童主题
  • 古腾堡和 WordPress 5.0 就绪
  • 兼容前 20 大流行的 wordpress 插件
  • 完全兼容浏览器
  • 一键演示导入
  • 社交网络,社交分享


更新日志 TheGem – 创意多用途高性能 WordPress 主题

v5.5.0 - July 07th, 2022

New features:
Mega Menu Builder
Create any imaginable mega menu layouts with page builder of your choice: Elementor or WPBakery
Easy & intuitive frontend editing
Use any content elements available in page builder
50+ pre-built mega menu templates for shops, agencies, business etc. with one-click import feature (preview pre-built mega menu templates)
Learn more
Check documentation
Single Product Builder (WooCommerce)
Create global product page templates using the page builder of your choice: Elementor or WPBakery
Use any content elements available in page builder
20+ product specific content elements:
Product Title
Product Gallery
Product Price
Add to cart
Product Tabs & Accordions
Product SKU, categories, tags & sharing
Product content, short description, extra product description
Additional info & reviews
Attributes, Meta, Breadcrumbs
Related and Upsell Products
and much more…
15 pre-built creative product templates with one-click import feature (preview pre-built product templates)
Learn more
Check documentation
New content element: Custom Menu. Show any menu in any location of your website. Select different menu sources - choose between menus you have added in your WordPress installation or create a custom links list. Useful for adding menus in Mega Menu Builder
New content element: Products compact grid/list. Display product grids and product lists in a compact style. Ideal for displaying products in mega menu templates and narrow columns
Blog List (Elementor) / Blog (WPBakery) content element: new style presets added for showing blog posts in a compact style (check screenshot)
Blog List (Elementor) / Blog (WPBakery) content element: new options for selecting different blog post sources, sort order, order by and offset added (check screenshot)
Product Grids, Product Carousel content elements: new products sources added to display related or upsell products in Single Product Builder (check screenshot)
Column (Elementor): sticky column option added (check screenshot)
Rows and columns (WPBakery): option to display post own featured image as background image added (check screenshot)
Columns (WPBakery): options for adding shadows added (check screenshot)
TheGem Blocks plugin: mega menu and single product blocks added
Updates & Improvements:
Theme Options -> WooCommerce -> Shop Grid: random ordering option added (check screenshot)
Heading (WPBakery) / Animated Heading (Elementor) content element: icon color settings added
Product categories content element: 1x and 2x columns grid option added (check screenshot)
Product categories content element: Items count setting added to control number of categories to display (check screenshot)
Product categories content element: custom images height control added (check screenshot)
Infotext content element (WPBakery): option for using images instead of icons added (check screenshot)
AJAX Live Search: searching with SKUs added
Search results: searching in custom post types added
Header icons pack added to Icons Library to be available while editing any post type
Divider content element (WPBakery): additional settings added (check screenshot)
LayerSlider plugin updated
Revolution Slider plugin updated

New pre-built demos:
Creative Fashion Shop

Bug fixes:
Theme Options -> Archive Pages -> Blog: fix for layout settings not being applied on tags archives
Fix for animated heading element for proper display of animations if used in title area template
Fix for infinite scroll pagination on the mixed search results page
Minor bug fixes in heading animations (words animations supporting extended characters)
Fix for compatibility with sitemap xml generated by RankMath (conflict with pagespeed optimization script resolved)
Fix for compatibility between Footer templates and WPML Multilingual plugin

⭐另请参阅:主题存储库 INFOXIAO 免费分享,每日更新

下载 TheGem v5.9.7

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