WordPress Instagram Feeds插件Instagram Feed Pro v6.2.3

WordPress Instagram Feeds插件Instagram Feed Pro

Instagram Feed Pro 是一个 WordPress 插件,可让您将令人惊叹的、适应性强的 Instagram 提要添加到您的网站。 设置和自定义非常简单,因此您可以简单地将网站的外观和感觉与您的 Instagram 供稿相匹配。

显示来自任何非 Instagram 帐户的 Instagram 照片。 使用高级简码设置,您可以在同一页面或网站的其他页面上显示多个 Instagram 提要。


功能 Instagram Feed Pro 插件

推荐:WordPress插件自定义Custom Facebook Feed Pro 

功能 Instagram Feed Pro 插件

  • 设置非常简单
  • 无需设计或工程知识
  • 响应式和移动优化
  • 多个 Instagram 供稿,无限制
  • 可访问的搜索引擎
  • 可靠的数据缓存
  • 标签提要
  • Instagram 故事
  • 多种布局选项
  • 突出显示特定帖子
  • 创建图像或视频轮播
  • 强大的视觉调节系统
  • HTML5 视频支持
  • 标记的提要
  • 在同一页面上轻松管理多个帐户
  • 按标签或单词过滤帖子
  • 显示帖子评论
  • 直接从您的网站分享您的文章
  • 自定义或翻译文本
  • 将图像存储在本地
  • 通过片段进行高级定制

推荐:WordPress插件PWA & Google AMP & Facebook IA Instantify

更新日志 Instagram Feed Pro 开发者

= v6.2 =
* New: Added the ability to filter "Reels" posts in feeds. In addition to videos and photos you can now choose to show or hide Instagram "Reels" posts.
* Tweak: Toggling oEmbeds on and off on the oEmbeds admin page will clear oEmbed caches of failed oEmbeds due to an API error.
* Tweak: Added a workaround to retrieve missing images if none were returned by Instagram for a post.
* Fix: Fixed the incorrect CSS file being referenced when using Elementor.
* Fix: Custom colors assigned to the Follow button would not apply when using a custom color palette.
* Fix: Fixed stories feature not working when using GDPR features.
* Fix: Fixed PHP Notice: Undefined index: isFeedTemplatesPopup.
* Fix: Fixed an issue where posts available in a hashtag feed with multiple hashtags would disappear after a period of time.
* Fix: Added additional plugin hardening.
* Fix: Fixed a bug that cause an inability to connect multiple new sources under certain circumstances.
* Fix: Browser would crash when opening the feed editor if header data was not available for an account.
* Fix: "Extensions" menu item would show up when Social Wall was installed and lead to an error page.

= Version 6.1.1 – September 14, 2022 =
* Tweak: Updated API requests for the tagged feeds to include timestamps for better sorting of tagged and mixed feeds that use tagged posts.
* Tweak: Deleting all platform data will also delete any connected sources.
* Fix: Fixed line breaks causing the caption character limit to be shorter than was indicated.
* Fix: Fixed posts missing in the customizer when using moderation mode under some circumstances.
* Fix: Fixed an error that would cause shoppable feeds not to use custom URLs set in the customizer.
* Fix: Fixed custom header text not updating on the front end when using the new text header.
* Fix: PHP error that would occur when trying to use the new Instagram Feed Divi block with the Divi Builder plugin and PHP version 7.3 or lower.

⭐另见:收藏 Codecanyon 插件 每日更新保费

演示: https://smashballoon.com/instagram-feed

下载 Custom Instagram Feed Pro Developer v6.2.3

笔记: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压缩。 如果任何主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。 在 localhost 上使用之前,请检查 Virustotal。
